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Codeine and pregnancy

When a woman is expecting, her decision to buy Codeine online or how to get Codeine depends on some factors like the amount of prescribed dose of the drug being taken, what trimester the woman is in during her pregnancy period and whether the drug has been misused or abused. Studies show that how the intake of the medication during the first trimester of pregnancy period may lead to the increase in the likelihood of occurrence of heart defects in the unborn child and slightly increases the chance of occurrence of cleft lip and spina bifida like congenital disabilities. Therefore, it is essential that the decision to buy Codeine online depends on the amount of the drug being taken by the woman, especially during the first 12 weeks of the development of the fetus.


Reasons for taking Codeine

People buy Codeine online or want to know how to get Codeine for the treatment of a person’s pain and to suppress cough in children and elders. It is believed that the drug works helps a person in relieving themselves from pain because it generally travels to the central nervous system (CNS) part of the person indulging in the drug and changes itself to morphine while binding itself to the opioid receptors. When this happens, the CNS changes the way the body responds to the pain being experienced by a person.


Can Codeine also be a sedative?

The drug Codeine is an opioid drug prescribed to treat a person’s pain and also to suppress a cough. If people buy Codeine, it can not only be prescribed for pain relief but also as a kind of sedative, especially when taken in quantity more massive than the prescribed. In order cases, if people buy Codeine online and tend to take Codeine with Tylenol, the drug can prove to be harmful as well.

Most people frequently decide to buy Codeine online to treat several ailments, like pain, cough, and diarrhea. When taken in the right manner, the drug provides relief from a variety of symptoms. But the drug has addictive properties that can cause dependence or Codeine addiction. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has categorized the drug as a Schedule II drug, which means that its potential for being abused is high and can it can also cause a person to physically or mentally dependent on its intake for survival.


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